half a year

Louis turned 6 months on Sunday, the 18th. It's crazy to think that this little man has been in our lives for half of a year. Even crazier to think that this time last year we were announcing to the world that he was on his way.

At 6 months, Louis loves to roll. He likes to just lay on a blanket on the floor and as soon as I put him down, he's moving to his belly. That's also how he tends to sleep, and we've all been getting more zzz's because of it.

He also loves the dog. A lot of times when he's playing on the floor on his belly, I'll get down there and play with Luna in front of him. He cracks up watching her pounce on her toys and drag them everywhere. He loves to pet her, but after a few hair grabbing situations, I've put a halt to that for a bit.

We've started to transition to more solid foods here in the recent weeks. Started out with some rice cereal and have since also tried some bananas. He has to be in the mood for it, otherwise he just spits it all out and tries to chew on the spoon instead. Hopefully we'll get the hang of it soon though.

These last 6 months have gone by crazy fast, but I'm so excited to see what the future holds for this little man.

Happy 1/2 birthday, Lou!


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