Louis James: One Month

My dearest Louis,

This first month of motherhood has been one of the most emotional months of my life. It's been full of smiles, tears (from both you and mommy), very little sleep, and lots and lots of cuddles. Most days we barely make it out of our pajamas, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

As you grow by the minute, I try to take mental notes of things I never want to forget about the day you entered this world and your first month of life.

Like how it rained the entire day you were born.
How you would make these little squeaking noises when you slept in the hospital. We joked that you had been listening to Luna too much while in the womb. (They sounded just like little puppy squeaks.)
The first story I read to you was Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump. You didn't seem to care.
The faces you make. You seriously have the best facial expressions, and I have about a million pictures on my phone to prove it.
Your monster feet. Lou, if you got anything from your mother it was her feet. Soon I will teach you how to easily pick things up off the floor with those monkey toes.
How for about a week, my sure-fire way to make you happy was to strap you into your bouncy seat and sit it in front of the window.

But mostly, the amount of love I have for you. I never knew I could love such a small creature as much as I do. Even if you do keep me up all hours of the night, the snuggles are worth it.

And so are you.


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