Halloween 2015

For the last couple of years, Taylor and I have loved dressing in our couple costumes for Halloween. Two years ago we were Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler. Last year we were Belle and Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. This year we had another family member to add to our now group costume (plus Abby joined on the fun too).

And of course Louis's first halloween costume had to be Wizard of Oz related..

I literally finished his costume 2 hours before we left to visit family members. And I still can't get over it.

After getting in and out of the carseat so many times, Lou was over halloween by the time we got to my dad's house (our last stop, thankfully). The wings wouldn't fit in the seat and he got too hot if we kept the hat on, so we kept having to take those off.

But he was the cutest damn flying monkey I ever did see.


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