Here's to 2015.

I figure every every everyone and their dog in the blogging universe is probably posting about their new years goals and resolutions. I hate to be another one added to the list, but I'm doing this more for myself than anything. If I write it out, it will happen. Right??

It seems like every year I make a list of resolutions, and every year I don't stick to them. But I feel good about things for this coming year. Hopefully soon we'll be working on getting my sewing room in order so I can have my own creative space, and I really think that's important for me to have in order to stay inspired and complete a few of these goals I have set for myself in the new year.

I'm also fully aware that I will be bringing a new human into the world this year, so I'm narrowing my list down to what I feel like are 3 reasonable goals.

1. Expand my business. I have some new shoe designs and patterns to add to the shop, as well as some new product ideas. I also want to start doing craft shows. I was hoping to get enough products made to sell at some shows over the holiday season, but morning sickness and fatigue kinda kicked that out the window. Now that I have some energy back, hopefully I can go ahead and start getting things rounded up for the spring season.

2. Work on art. Here lately I haven't been doing much in the art department. We have a little art gallery in town, and I would really like to have some things to show up there. Most of what they show are paintings or photographs, so my fabric art could possibly bring some diversity to this small town art world.

3. Read more. I set a goal for myself this past year to read a certain number of books and I failed miserably. Hopefully this next year will go better.


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