
Showing posts from September, 2014

My Struggle with Pinterest

Alternative title: How Pinterest Robbed Me of My Creativity Let me just start this off by saying that Pinterest is a great way to share ideas. If you can't find it on Pinterest, it probably doesn't exist. Which kinda leads me to a few of my issues with Pinterest. For the longest time, I felt like I was in a creative funk. After 4 years of art school, making numerous art projects and coming up with countless drawings and ideas, everything seemed to come to a halt after graduation. Then I discovered Pinterest and its bountiful craft projects complete with instructions. I pinned and pinned away, made a few of the things I found, and thought "Hey! Maybe this is the answer to my problems!" But it wasn't. Because here was the issue: while I was making things, I wasn't making my things. I have always been a creative and artist person, and now I wasn't. I was letting someone else be the creative one and just stealing their ideas. The artistic part of my b

Bleu Gingham: The Shop

Over the past year, I have enjoyed making cute little things for my baby niece. Before she was born, I had made her a pair of ruby slippers and since then she's received some headbands, dresses, more shoes, and I've even made her parents some canopies to go over their carseats. And I've loved it. Baby things are so fun to make. They all just turn out so cute. Since I've enjoyed making her things so much, I decided to expand and offer my products to everyone. I had been itching to start an Etsy shop for years, I just never could figure out what I wanted to make and sell. But now we're open for business! Currently, I have a little variety of baby footwear in the shop, as well as a couple of burp rag options. In the coming weeks and months, I hope to add a few new shoe styles and possibly some clothing items. I am always open for taking custom orders, so if you are looking for a specific fabric pattern, team colors, dress style, etc., feel free to message me